
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

DIY Stamps with Cricut

 Yay! It's time for another installment of the "Create with Cricut Challenge"! If you didn't get a chance to see my previous projects for the challenge you can find my felt project here, my cereal box project here, my burlap project here,  my tissue paper project here, my paint chip project here,  my leather project here and my wrapping paper project here!

If you're new around here and unfamiliar with the challenge, each month there is a new mystery material and using my Cricut, I make something using it! Isn't that fun?? This month, the material is craft foam! I'll be honest, I haven't used craft foam probably in the last two decades so it's one of the few materials I didn't already have in my stash. So I went to my local craft store to pick some up and when I did, I came up with the idea of creating some custom stamps!
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!


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Which means, if you buy any of the cool stuff I recommend, you still pay the same price, but I get a small commission. Everybody wins! 
Craft Paint (optional) (I used Martha Stewart in: Pea Shoot, Wild Salmon & Date Night Pink)
Wooden items (can be found at any craft store)

In the wood section I was able to find several great stamp worthy shapes. (It's super important to make sure they lay flat so that they stamp properly.) I picked up a circle, a rectangle and an oval. I was also able to find what I think were meant to cap off dowels that I decided to use as the stamp handle. With the Maker you can also cut basswood and balsa wood to create your own totally custom wooden pieces but I decided to go the easy route for this one. 

As always I started by setting my canvas, meaning a recreated the object I was designing for so that I could visually see how it would look. You can see below the tan pieces are my wooden pieces. This makes it so much easier for sizing. 
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
Once you're happy with your designs, you can click "make it". Choose your machine and search for "craft foam". 
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
Through some trial and error I found that the knife blade works WAY better than the deep cut blade, so I recommend clicking "edit tools" and changing to the knife blade for this project. 
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
Once "edit tools" is chosen you can easily select the knife blade. 
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
Put your craft foam on a strong grip mat and don't forget to move the star wheels all the way to the right so they don't leave any marks on your craft foam. **If you are doing any text, be sure to mirror your image. It shouldn't matter too much as you should be able to flip it over even if you forget, but worth noting.**

Once your craft foam is cut, add some spray adhesive to the backside and stick it to your wooden piece. Once it's on you can add your handle using some E6000. I painted the handles to give them a pop of color but that step is totally optional. 

And just like that, you've got your own custom stamps!
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
 Doing this project I realized I could really use a new collection of stamp pads and now that I know I can make my own stamps, I think it's time to invest in some!
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
 If you create your own stamps I'd love to see them!
Did you know you can create your own CUSTOM stamps with Cricut?!
Be sure to come back next month when the material will be wood! I'm so excited about it!


  1. These stamps are the cutest! I wouldn't have thought of making my own!

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