
Monday, September 11, 2017

Meet the Maker: Kelsey & Christina of Kelsey & Christina Designs

Happy Monday! Sorry I was a little MIA last week but I was prepping for the Penelope Lane Boutique. There was such a great turn out and I had so much fun! Plus, it was a great excuse to spend an entire day with my bestie. Now that that's behind me, I'm ready to get back in the swing of things and I'm back with another installment of my "Meet the Maker" series. Today I'm giving you TWICE the maker goodness and introducing you to TWO makers... Kelsey & Christina of Kelsey & Christina Designs!
Meet the Maker: Kelsey & Christina of Kelsey & Christina Designs
Christina is actually one of my cousins besties. (I have to stop myself from saying my "little cousin" because even though I think of her as a baby, she's TWENTY ONE now! HOW did that happen?!) After seeing some of Christina's work with Kelsey I knew I had to feature them!

Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

Kelsey: * 25 years old
* Earning bachelors at GCU
* Married to Garrett
* Property manager 
* Lover of all things fall 

Christina: *22 years old
*Future nurse
*Dating a Pastor

What is it that you make and how did you get started?

Kelsey: Specializes in hand lettering. Got started a few years ago when I was planning my wedding. 

Christina: We specialize in hand lettering, custom pieces or what we sell on our Etsy. I got started through my friendship with Kelsey and from there learned my style of writing!
Meet the Maker: Kelsey & Christina of Kelsey & Christina Designs
Kelsey: Iced green tea and a good book

Christina: The beach & sunshine
A good vanilla latte 
Wine nights with my best friend 
Summer time!


Kelsey: Scary movies 

Christina: Scary movies and cats

Any Guilty Pleasures: 

Kelsey: One Tree Hill & anything chocolate 

Christina: Chocolate 
Netflix re-runs of Friends and How I Met Your Mother

Cocktail (or mocktail) of choice

Kelsey: Moscow mule

Christina: Moscow Mule

What advice do you have for fellow makers? 
Kelsey: Don't be discouraged in your journey. Take the time to refine and develop your skills and the rest will follow!

Christina: Practice makes perfect! My work was awful when I first started, but the more I put the time and practice in, the more it improved. 

Thank you Kelsey and Christina for being a part of this Meet the Maker series! 
Be sure to check out their Etsy shop and follow them on Instagram!

1 comment:

  1. Really Glad to know about kelsey and christina , They are really good and pure soul. May god bless you with all the success on your life :)


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