Friday, August 30, 2013

One HUNDREDTH Post! (And Giveaway!)

Welp, it's been a little over four years since I started this blog and I'm just reaching my hundredth post. On average, that ends up being about 25 posts a year. Pretty pitiful.

I've recently been really into being more active on my blog (if you haven't noticed) so maybe the next hundred posts won't take me another four years! Haha.

I've found it to be therapeutic, and a great escape when I need one to just write about what's been going on, especially lately, in my life. My best friend Danica has really utilized her blog to not only share her running knowledge and experiences but also to share about her extraordinary loss, in losing her mother. She was the one that really pushed me to get out my post about Lexie and my grandmother and I'm glad that I did. But, enough about me, lets get to the exciting stuff!

To celebrate my 100th post I'm giving out a $100 gift card to my favorite place, Target! Yes, you read that right.... one HUNDRED dollars, a dollar for every post!

Now for the rules...
A comment on this post counts as one entry.
A "like" on my Not So Cli-Shea facebook page counts as one entry.
A follow on either my @notsoclishea or @sheacrystal twitter each count as one entry.
If you SHARE this post (either by tweeting about it or sharing it on your blog, on facebook, or on instagram) it counts as TWO entries. (But be SURE to tag me so that I know you did it)

Entries will stop being accepted on Monday September 9th (9/9, easy to remember, right?) at 12:00 AM.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclaimer: This is my first time using Rafflecopter. I've heard it makes hosting giveaways super easy. Hopefully it actually does because I'm super excited about this giveaway and super excited to see who is going to win it!*

Good Luck!


Mami2jcn said...

I would buy new workout clothes. Thanks!

Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

danica said...

This is a legit giveaway! Thanks for hosting and I would buy new workout clothes, a few frames and a candle for the house and a SHELF to put the picture you got me up above our bed!!!

Kiersten Tomson said...

I would buy DIAPERS for my twin girls who are due next week :) Congrats on #100!

Heather Pierucki said...

I would buy new dog beds for our four furry babies! (Try saying that five times fast!!!)

sarkatlac said...

ohh i love target! this would be great to win!

Unknown said...

I would go buy more pants! Just had a great shopping trip! Congrats on 100 posts!

Unknown said...

I would by a new t-shirt and trouser

Unknown said...

I'll by baby pants and diapers

Unknown said...

I would by a new pair of shoes

Unknown said...

thank you for the giveaway
makeup :-)))

Unknown said...

i would buy beauty products like hair products for this summer

Elena said...

I would buy new vacuum cleaner

Unknown said...

I am in love with Target as well! The better question might be what I wouldn't buy! I love their home decor, clothes, shoes, jewelry, just about everything!!!

Nataly Carbonell said...

I'd buy lots of beauty products

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would buy winter clothes for my sons!

Jennifer Marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I would get my kids some new winter clothes.

Tabathia B said...

I would actually use on black friday to get some great deals

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I'd Christmas shop for the grand kids!
Thank you.

barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Rebecca Shockley said...

Well, I would stock up on some diaper's and look for boots for the kid's!
rjwashington2000 at yahoo dot com

Rebecca Shockley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would put it towards diapers for my newborn!

Laura J said...

I would use it for Christmas shopping!

Caryn said...

I would buy some new fall clothing!

Unknown said...

I would buy some clothes if I won.


pookiecat123 said...

I would put the money towards a vacuum.
Judy S
pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com

Tina said...

I'd get some clothes

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

I would stock up on things for the baby.

Anonymous said...

I would get some new clothes!!!

Rea Lizzy

Courtney B said...

probably get my daughter a bday present!

Anonymous said...

I'd buy some new shirts and a belt for work and some socks and shirts for my kids and some groceries for the family. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I would buy some tops, bras and spend the rest on groceries.

Name on rafflecopter: Amanda Sakovitz

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